Monday, November 22, 2010

Sore Breast After Menstruation

Come evitare i colloqui-fuffa. Parte 2: Annunci di lavoro o corsi di formazione?

separate category is then represented by those gentlemen who advertise training disguised as job offers. So not only do not pay you but you pay me!

I have already mentioned the job considered misleading and in this case I found that ...

'ADVERTISING' MISLEADING and publish listings of courses professional, including them in the space devoted to jobs as it creates confusion among young readers in search of employment. I decided that the administrative court in Rome, in a ruling, dismissed the action brought by a company that Zenith Ltd Training Organisation in the field of advertising and communication Enterprise ... bla bla bla ...

For example, the listing "The creative job opportunities for young inexperienced but creative ... even after training Free Profession - freelance Advertising Techniques ... " was published between jobs, although it was intended to advertise training courses for a fee. The Authority has considered this likely to mislead consumers on the actual content of the tender as hiding under the apparent job offer to attend courses for a fee, of improperly influencing the economic choices the average consumer; l'Autorità ha multato la società per 35.000 euro e questa ha presentato ricorso al Tar che ha confermato la posizione dell'Antitrust"

E continuando a cercare eccola qui , a quanto pare…
Quindi occhio a smascherare chi, più che offrire un lavoro vero, è solamente a caccia di soldi...come tutti quanti noi

Nel frattempo oggi ho trovato un annuncio STU-PEN-DO :)

Need to supplement your salary with a simple online work partime?
Contact us and make an appointment for the interview!

all! No other useful information .... mumble ....
going over the first two life lessons that I humbly pointed out ... what to say? I send my CV? ;)


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