holy words, taken from the blog of Victor Zambardino ... to read to the end, words that made me feel "less alone" ...
"In this page you can read the whole letter, via Facebook, of Lou Bello sent to Paul Madron, director of Letter 43. know Lou. It 's a girl 26 year old who studies and works in Bologna, and try to be a journalist for five years with all the means and the suffering that tells in this letter (and ends meet making the whole range of jobs "child" to be found in this country, a waitress at a pub included).
I want to say that the Bell is not doing or victimhood and telling lies. I results ta c he is so. And I c onosco because of his wanderings is volunteering at the festival of Journalism in Perugia, where Lou works since the first edition. He runs back and forth from one to another debate, writes reports, manages the web pages, from 7 am to 10 pm. There are hundreds in Perugia to do this. And they all want to be journalists. Do not "go" journalists for favors received. Those guys already feel to be, journalists.
Madron But he did not say no - This said, the message I found Lou to Madron totally agree. E sc stream this post because I think he can help her and those who are in his situation to a better understanding of what suffering and pain are suffering. But first let me say, not in defense of Madron, but a better understanding of the situation, that manager Lou Lettera43 proposed a collaboration. With fresh news.
"I was expecting an interview" - Lou replied: "I was expecting an interview. " But perhaps that is happening around the Lettera43 of recruitment is over and I think that Madron has made a serious effort to contractualisation many young journalists.
For us it was the same
Cara Lou and dear t ll , but you really think, like sometimes we read in the posts of the blogger's poisoners wells, which we are born with the motto of journalists, bank accounts and privilege in their veins? Oh, the privileged have always been there, but the vast majority of us spit blood to make it. Could I have names but I'm not allowed to make. Cito I remember a few scattered without the name a star. A famous sportswriter of the Republic, which, by contributor, wrote the pieces in the car parc Heggie in the newspaper, and then gave them to the cabin in Independence Square. If they had caught in the newsroom, one might have thought he was trying to surreptitiously get hired. Personalmen you've done years of travel at my expense. I self-described "freelance", but I was a beggar, I already had two children and worked with the journal of a sports promotion agency, where I took a salary from the dole. I went to New York marathons for 80 years and collected dozens of pieces, AlCu ni signed for the Republic, with pseudonyms for four or five other newspapers sometimes competing with each other, I ended up writing a lunar hours and with a headache for cooking the same soup with a different flavor.
Some pieces I have never even been paid and those trips were just self-promotion, since it covers the cost of a current account with Bank of Naples, which allowed to go into the red 20 million (blessed now and ever, who helped me get it, I do not possess the requirements, I had an accident).
I know if a colleague who has remained uncertain for decades. But eight to ten years of "unfairness" have been the rule for a gr an active part of the reporters today. Maybe it was different in Milan, but was no different in many editorial ions. I know people who have entered into a newspaper in 20 years with a scholarship and who are still working 14 hours a day. Then he says "you have made a career," they pay you well. Yes, but I killed him work and maybe I did not have a life (the first person narrative, I am not the colleague mentioned ). I'll tell you all this because I look at what we are today makes us look to you like there, wealthy, privileged assholes. But we were like you. And we ate the soup " also much worse than Lou Del Bello.
The losers are always - And yes, even in our generation there have been many who have given up. Do other jobs. Journalism knows no amnesties or pardons. And maybe those who are not "entered" people were very valid, I've often thought, "who knows how many were better than me."
What am I saying ndovi, guys? What if a manager responds to "bring me ideas," "bring me news," has already told you something important. There he opened the door, I has left a crack. Then it's up to you to work s deed. The really bad response would have been the port closed.
But and satta as in Kafka's story "Before the Law," each is responsible for his wrong rcare port ap steep. Hard work? Oh yes a lot of effort, hard work and a lot of "crap" to eat. Both work, but also many times when you will say yes wanting to say no, when you write a piece where you do not believe, in which tilt your head, because sooner or later the head fold all, and those who say they have not ever done is a liar or a bend used to make to others.
Today the journalists asked mo is weaker, you may enter with more "weapons" - And you will never have the certainty of having made it, until you look back and see the road made. Journalism is not a lawyer or medicine. E 'perishable, unstable and prone to theft. But if you got into this is the game to play. You're not unlucky and we privileged. The menu has always been shit in this one. Only now are many more to wanting to eat. But with more cards in hand. Because the network opens the professions was much more than for us. Because journalism is now more than before the crisis and "know" fewer things than before. He knows weak. Dig between the opportunities of deepening journalism or the data or the investigation. You will find much, as long as they do not want to be like them, the journalists said, and you and cocks to be prepared, strong and proud of your digital culture.
The "door is always open for you somewhere.
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