Thursday, November 25, 2010

How To Get A Beard In Poptropica

public disorder

The message we sent was taken on a strictly confidential basis.
The letter, from some compliments for the way in which our
journalism was done, then some interesting points touched on the themes to be addressed by more
journal Romania and ended more or less like this:
"I understand very well in which situation
degradation and cultural principles is our country and I am also aware of how difficult it is for good people to take risks in the first person to try to change something. She certainly has the courage and it shows in his articles. For understandable reasons, wish to clarify
here all the issues I want to talk, but I'll certainly if he so chooses
want me to meet personally. "

So a few days later, your reporter has seen fit to meet the author of the letter, after making sure of its identity and its role is not absolutely marginal in public policy with ten years experience of controls at the Olympic Stadium in Rome . Opposite, in the table in the bar chosen for the meeting, sits a middle-age, graduated the State Police, ready to open the bag of his secrets, with one inevitable warranty: anonymity.
"If you denounce everything with my name and my last name, I would do a better service to civil society, but I called
a render conto di tutti i reati a cui ho assistito negli anni e che per omertà, per non mettere nei guai dei colleghi, non ho denunciato. Il senso del mio incontro con lei oggi, invece, dovrebbe servire unicamente da monito per il prossimo futuro. A Roma è stato da poco nominato
questore il dottor Tagliente, la mia speranza è che lui sappia dare una svolta all’attività della sicurezza e dell’ordine pubblico allo stadio Olimpico, a far finire questo schifo. C’è molto da lavorare”.

Perché ci ha chiamato?
“Perché sono convinto che un buon poliziotto debba svolgere la sua attività tenendo sempre ben
presenti i diritti e il rispetto di ogni cittadino. Purtroppo questo non accade più”.

Da parte dei poliziotti?
“No, principalmente di chi li guida”.
Può spiegarsi meglio?
“Sul vostro giornale avete già trattato il caso Gugliotta. A che cosa crede sia dovuto?”.
Beh, nervi scoperti, impreparazione fisica, tecnica e psicologica, rambismo, abuso di potere. O no?
Per me molto più semplicemente parliamo di gestione dell’ordine pubblico insensata. Prima magari si chiede ai poliziotti che vanno per strada di far finta di non vedere, di usare buon senso, di chiudere un occhio, poi all’improvviso, magari perché arriva una telefonata alarmed at the top, do not write anything. "
And faced with a few stems of this type, an honest cop and would not oppose it or correct it at this school?
"There is a mechanism in the internal structure that the complainant he would risk disciplinary proceedings. I read his magazine interview with Michelangelo Fournier: when he spoke of the Mexican butcher shop in Genoa a few forgave him in the body. "

There is a precise word for all this and is used in Mafia jargon: silence.
"Our system is not Mafia, but the principle is the same. There are very few protections for those who want to act in la legge”.
Ritiene che la gestione del Ministro Maroni incentivi queste derive?
“Guardi, la riforma della smilitarizzazione della Polizia di Stato del 1981 era mossa proprio dal tentativo di riavvicinare la gente all’istituzione. Qui invece mi pare che si vada nella direzione opposta e evidentemente le responsabilità partono sempre dall’alto. Una polizia realmente trasparente non la vuole nessuno. Quel che è successo, ad esempio, con la ragazza marocchina nelle grazie del presidente del Consiglio, e con le varie telefonate da gabinetti e questure lo fa capire chiaramente”.
A suo giudizio, l’Arma dei Carabinieri in questo senso garantisce maggior senso civico?
"My opinion? If Ruby had been stopped by the Carabinieri, this story would never have known anything
. The police know how to be more rigid in defending their territories.
The only certainty is that those who manage public policy in reality simply tries to complete its task
without too much damage. But the safety of the citizen does not care. "

is very serious accusation.
"It's just my thought. In football, for example, are widespread complicity at every level. With companies, with the fans, with the politicians. It is a bandwagon that many career moves. "
We do understand. What kind of complications can occur between the managers of public and fans?
"It seems to me obvious. A quaestor lasts at most a couple of years, then he knows he can point to the chair
prefect at that time only has to pass the time without causing too much damage. "

and then will work to enforce the order according to common guidelines for all Quaestors.
"The opposite. He must look good and do not combine mess. Perhaps it may be advantageous agreements with the heads ultras, then when it ends the truce if the new Quaestor is
fiery situation who cares. So long as you let commands that the cure ultras their business,
sometimes close an eye if someone does some shit, you get the banner as long as there are no insults against the Interior Minister, otherwise bye career, essentially a recognition of the role capitifosi, protecting even those who sometimes acts as an intermediary, such as certain radio hucksters. Even some are fed, so there are funds for informants who do not require authorization. All aimed at the quiet life. "

and complaints rained? And DASPO?
" But those are the small fish. For the thugs who are pecking like chickens. The fish with the smoke and keep
outside the stadiums. But if a smoke take it to a protected, then close one eye, and the arrest is against unknown persons. "

The Law on stages, in short, does not work.
"It's funny. According to a steward you can assume the functions of a public official? For thirty euro gross a boy sent to do this in a second stage she starts to search
or outside the gates to accommodate those who behave badly? Without any protection that
have real public officials? And then maybe the risk that what you've done is stop
to take the house the next day? Madness. If anything should be done as in Milan: there the club pay the private companies that provide professional and perfect trained. But then we must pay them handsomely. Here we give him four pennies. We will have a once arrested a suspect who has defended the pursuit of obstructing police
... Not to mention when we recognized among the stewards sometimes civil defense personnel. But those who paid them? Italian mysteries. "

with companies that compromises are made?
"Companies have a vested interest in keeping certain relationships. So give each time
hundreds and hundreds of entries for each game. Not counting cards is not registered
forces of order which should be accompanied by the identification card
and instead serve mostly to let friends of friends. "

Nobody controls it?
"When ever? There is even a senior police forced to stand at the entrance to the stadium only to ensure access of those who would have no way to enter. Basically, you enter the stadium or the free tickets handed out by companies, or with the cards but also without any supervision. In total, several hundred entries. Including restaurants, butchers, newsagents, relatives, friends, acquaintances, beggars, street racks and degenerating, all friends of friends. When Rome and Lazio are going well in League
pain, the demands increase. "

And where they sit?
"Everywhere. He has never seen children in copyright, intended for just that, to the authorities? And then in the gallery, in Monte Mario and of course on the ladder. You do not ask why the stairs of our forums are always busy? ".
In England they are kept clear
... "There the practice of" You make me come in? "Is unknown. It is a cultural issue. We the free ticket is a must. Who benefits if they could often afford to pay tens. But it is very trendy latch. And speaking of concerts .... " What interest have
football clubs to give up many paying to see?
"Meanwhile, the personal relationships with institutions and know how to be grateful. And then when you have to take decisions on public companies often have requests that are then answered, perhaps the start time. Power for power. I saw with my eyes political leaders and
humble to have a shirt signed by a player. Some even have access to the field. "

comes to mind the final day of three seasons ago, when the championship was played in Rome and Catania Catania played salvation. In the field, there were hundreds of people, animals ran the ultras confident cornering, the Romans in the camp were threatened with death, the investigation has not released anything, the town was fined after a quick federal investigation for 15000 €.
"perfect triangle of relations companies, fans, football and political institutions ...".
Back to compromise. What are those involving politicians?
"The career is in the interest of all. And we know that the political protection in this field to make steps forward
are vital.

possible that no one ever career skill?
" say in very limited circumstances."
And the piece of fan?
"A good palliation for the banks that served only to mask the flop of the decree on
stages. All experts know that public policy is just a joke. " But Maroni

flaunting the decline in accidents.
"Yes, of course, so now the stadium is no longer anyone."
to the decision of the card is no going back?
"Maroni long as there is no ministry. He spent too much for this measure. You will know that all companies were in breach of the card, but have basically been forced to bend, otherwise the fitness of the stages. " But the Olympic
ora è a norma?
“Ovviamente no. Ma a forza di deroghe si continua a chiudere un occhio”.
Le telecamere che vengono monitorate nella grande sala controllo sopra la Monte Mario coprono bene tutti gli spalti?
“Non proprio ovunque, ma già è un bel passo avanti. Il fatto è che certi servizi sono davvero costosi.
Anche il posto di Polizia all’Olimpico è inadeguato. È piccolo, stretto, doveva essere ampliato da tempo, ma poi si sa come vanno queste cose”.

Ci sono celle di sicurezza?
“Due, ma non sono omologate come tali, diciamo che servono per un primo intervento. E se dentro ci stanno quattro-cinque tifosi viene pure a mancare l’aria, non c’è neanche una finestra”.
Torniamo a Roma. Il derby è andato bene.
“Si vede che il questore ha fatto le cose per bene, non consentendo ai tifosi a rischio di poter accedere alla Tribuna Tevere e l’orario pomeridiano ha favorito la tranquillità. L’anno scorso i presidenti avevano preteso di vendere i biglietti della Tevere”.
È stato un successo del nuovo questore?
“Si vede che ci teneva a dare un segnale forte, anche con l’operatività del daspo immediato. Ne sono stati conferiti nove”.
Alla vigilia sul Messaggero erano uscite notizie riguardo un’informativa come to the Digos, on possible settling of accounts inside the Curva Nord with complicity of Neapolitan fans.
"We say these things often come out before a derby, so if accidents happen
then we can say that he had been warned and if it does not happen means that it worked prevention work."

Seems like those discoveries of weapons in the gardens around the stadium or in parked cars the night before a big-match.
"If the machines in place there can be no doubt, the car must belong to someone, do not mess up some details. If the find is in a lot ... qualche dubbio sulla reale provenienza del materiale è lecito…”.
Ma insomma se si volesse mantenere un po’ di ottimismo per il futuro questa intervista non concede molte chances.
“Io spero nel nuovo questore. Ma finché chi si comporta male continua ad avere la certezza che sia
intoccabile non si può essere ottimisti”.

Si riferisce a qello che è successo con Gabriele Sandri?
“Quella è stata una brutta storia oltretutto gestita malissimo. Mi pare evidente che il collega non
abbia sparato per ammazzare, ma il suo errore è stato grave e i tentativi di copertuna successivi
hanno aggravato la condizione dolorosa. Se posso afford a personal evaluation, I also say that I understand the
little desire for revenge so strong.
no relatives, I would never dare. But the fans across Italy. So do not solve anything. "

How much does a cop?
"A misery. If all goes well and do some 'overtime arrivals to 1500 €. Then we are surprised of such a high rate of suicide
. It is also proved that the physiological turn creates imbalances in the fifth. "

What is in the fifth round?
"Our shifts are like this: you work from 19-24, then the next day from 13 to 19, then the day after
from 7 to 13 and then by mezzanotte alle 7. Si chiama turno in quinta. E determina disequilibri”.

La bella realtà che si vede in fiction tipo “Distretto di polizia” è pura finzione?
“Io vedo solo continue mortificazioni, mogli incazzate, figli che non si vedono mai e turni sempre
più lunghi di straordinari per poter incassare qualche euro in più”.

Un’ultima curiosità. La sera dell’assalto alle caserme la ricorda? Che idea se n’è fatta?
“Ricordo bene tutto e non mi abbandona un’idea: che quella sera si è trattato di un attacco premeditato e organizzato politicamente. C’erano gruppi troppo omogenei abilissimi in urban warfare techniques, true, prepared to handle situations very heavy, that at some point disappeared simultaneously. And when we called the upper floors to find something no one would find the phone. And our leaders who did not come. Too weird, all too weird. "
But someone has been arrested.
"Someone who has been with the match in hand. Perhaps without knowing too well what was involved .... "

journal Romania, December 2010
Daniele Lo Monaco


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