IBM - Hitachi - Causes data loss portable drives
Hitachi notebook and portable drives
L'esperienza Recovery Italia con la tecnologia Hitachi ci porta a notare che i problemi più comuni rilevati con le unità TravelStar sono:
* Improvviso guasto del disco rigido
* Hard disk inaccessibile, ma ancora fisicamente funzionante
* Il BIOS riconosce l’unità, ma l’avviso di fallimento dell’unità viene visualizzato
* Deterioramento della performance
* Rumore interno testine
* Rumore proveninente dal tentativo ripetitivo del motore di partire
Hitachi ha fatto molto bene nel mercato dei portatili in quanto ha messo in vendita la prima unità TravelStar in 1991. Their products have to be protected by a reputation for fast performance and low power consumption. Above all, have generally been reliable. Hitachi HiVERT technology applied to the Travelstar range of products, decreases power consumption to a level that provides a cool operating environment, allowing a longer life for the unit.
When Travelstar hard drive fails, it is usually because the disk heads are damaged. In such situations, the unit must be opened directly in a controlled atmosphere in the absence of dust when replacing the damaged part and reactivate the disk. We offer a high success rate in these cases data recovery .
If you have problems with a disk IBM / Hitachi, we advise you to call without delay. These models are more prone to sudden failure fatal than other brands.
Tags: common faults, hard disk, hitachi , IBM , Loss file
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