Some of the most common problems we find with the Maxtor drive are:
Corruption firmware :
Pprobabilmente the most common problem identified by our engineers on Maxtor disks . This is usually diagnosed when the BIOS identifies the disc incorrectly. If you see the Maxtor model name is listed incorrectly in the BIOS probably means that the firmware has been replaced with another from a model that is not compatible.
We noticed this problem with a lot of Maxtor drives, most commonly the DiamondMax series in which the misdescription is shown as:
"MAXTOR N40P" su DiamondMax Plus 8
"MAXTOR CALYPSO" III DiamondMax Plus 9
"MAXTOR FALCON" DiamondMax 10 on
Problem Read / write heads of the service track corruption:
When the function cooling down the unit can reach temperatures above the recommended maximum level. Typical consequence of this type of failure is represented by the noise caused by the disk put it inside the head are no longer able to function properly.
Electronics: An error
electronics develops on the controller board. When this occurs, the unit seems to be completely unusable and will not be detected by the BIOS.
The boundaries of the sector is not correct:
In this case, the disk appears correctly in the BIOS, but also displays an error message such as "RAW" in Windows o “Il disco non è leggibile da questo sistema” in Mac OS X.
Qualsiasi software di recupero dati non sarà in gradi di recuperare i file e ogni richiesta sul disco rigido darà come risultato “confini del settore non corretti” oppure genererà messaggi di errore AMNF (Address Mark Not Found) . Ciò è causato dal danneggiamento dei dati nella zona di servizio del disco rigido . Correggendo questa corruzione consente normalmente l’accesso ai dati persi.
Se il vostro hard disk Maxtor si è danneggiato, o sembra sul punto di farlo, si consiglia di spegnere l’unità e contattarci subito per una valutazione e diagnosi.
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