Sunday, September 26, 2010

38 Weeks White Discharge

Series C English, a league with big numbers

The Football League 1 (FL1) is the third series England, equivalent to our First Division League Pro FL1 includes 24 teams, as well as the Championship (our Series B) and FL2 (the Italian Second Division). Matches are played on Saturday at 15, unless the advance of Friday cheinizia to 19.45.

In England, the third and fourth national series thus include 48 clubs, just over metà delle due corrispondenti categorie italiane. Da noi le società previste dal format della Figc sono 90: quest’anno, per ragioni finanziarie, ne sono state ammesse solo 86 (quattro in meno delle stagioni scorse).

A differenza della nostra Prima Divisione, categoria misconosciuta a livello mediatico e con scarso seguito di pubblico, la FL1 vanta una grande platea di tifosi e gli stadi sono sempre molto affollati. In questo senso i numeri parlano chiaro, molto più di tante parole.

La media spettatori per gara nella stagione 2010-11 – tratta dal sito web ufficiale della Footbal League che comprende Championship, FL1 e FL2 (la Premier League afferisce alla Football Association) - risulta infatti pari a 7.500 spectators.

clubs occupying the top five places in this special list shows inflows average audience per race unimaginable in our latitudes (between brackets the minimum and maximum number of viewers registered so far).

1. Sheffield Wednesday: 20,679 (max 23,081 - 18,674 min)
2. Southampton: 19,805 (max 21,727 - 17,857 min)
3. Charlton: 15,171 (max 16,236 - 14,436 min)
4. Huddersfield: 13,367 (13,858 max - 12 min. 426)
5. Swindon Town: 9870 (11,087 max - 8132 min)

The most popular game by far has been far-Dagenham W. Sheffield, attended by 23,081 spectators (in Photo: Hillsborough Stadium in Sheffield). To better understand a category light years ahead of us, it seems significant also check the last five positions of this special list:

20. Walsall: 3999
21. Yeovil Town: 3675
22. Rochdale: 3269
23. Hartlepool: 3,206
24. Dagenham: 2685

The match was not seen in absolute Dagenham, Exeter City (2005). Only one club (Dagenham) has an average / race less than 3,000 spectators. In ten totaled between 3,000 and 5,000 spectators. All others have average of 6,000 spectators and over.

On these figures you should think and reflect, when chatter about revolution in the championship Italy.
The British model continues to be largely successful than the Italian, although not yet arrived. Meanwhile, the First Division, headed by President Mario Macalli is increasingly adrift and companies continue to fail.

Sergio Muto -