Tuesday, December 29, 2009

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Threats to Life dedicated to data recovery ... Recover deleted files

SOS dati????Non sai più cosa fare??Hai perso anni di ricordi fatti di photos, emails, projects, trips??
In Italy there are many companies offering data recovery service .... but really we are sure that companies are professional data recovery ?? Or simply make use of external laboratories??
My personal advice is to entrust to reliable organizations, possessing a clean room of their own and have experience in the field because they fall into the wrong hands .... sometimes means losing forever the chance of recovering your data ...
recognize the mark! A real company always has a recognizable brand.
If I am pointing you here a brand recognized and appreciated throughout Italy, a symbol of professionalism and honesty, a ' young company that works with passion for you ....

Monday, December 28, 2009

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To retrieve files from a hard disk formatted have to see what kind of format has been made to 'hard disk, there are two types of formatting:

  • Quick Format Full Format

For a full format, the files on your hard drive is completely destroyed and therefore not recoverable.

Regarding the quick format, the system does not destroy final disclosure the data in ' hard disk so you can retrieve the formatted data.

If the problem is not resolved by the various programs for the recovery of files you should choose a company of serious data recovery. Here I recommend two of the most serious and more professional across the country:

Monday, December 14, 2009

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System Raid 1

I Raid 1 mirroring technology exploiting to save the data without interruption. "Mirror" simply means that the hard disk 1 2 replica, or that 3:04 discs replicated discs 1 and 2.
Whatever the configuration of the drive, what matters is that the data on a disk or a partition, are fully replicated. The Raid 1 system has a maximum capacity equal to that of the smallest drive in the system. Ideally consists of two discs and its reliability increases by two times compared to a single disk. Since each drive can be managed individually if one fails the other, the reliability increases with the number of drives used.
The system also increases Raid 1 read performance, since many configurations allow you to read from a drive while the other è occupata.
La perdita dei dati nei sistemi Raid-1 avviene solo in caso tutte le unità presenti nel sistema si danneggino, caso comune in caso di urto, caduta o shock elettronico.
In questi casi il recupero dati è possibile all’80%.

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Recover deleted files from the trash!

Per questioni di spazio o anche per i piccoli errori cancelliamo dei file , che invece successimente nel corso del tempo ci possono ritornare utili. Idea comune è quella di dire che una volta rimossi dal cestino questi file sono impossibili da recuperare. Anche io fino a qualche tempo fa la pensavo cosi , e non mi sono mai prodigato per riuscire a recuperare file rimossi dal cestino : consider it as the 'last leg that ran through each file before it is permanently deleted . But instead, let me share with you the real truth: the file after their removal from the trash are still recoverable because they are not completely removed from the computer itself. It should be said that not all files can be recovered: in fact, files or data, are sunk if they have been overwritten (in the 'opposite scenario these files are still recoverable). For an effective and safe recovery is also essential to a good computer, no viruses, defragmented very often.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Big Lollipops For Sale

The system Raid 0 , che molti non considerano in realtà un sistema RAID, poichè non prevede ridondanza dei dati, necessita di minimo 2 dischi ed utilizza un’operazione detta di striping per velocizzare la equa distribuzione dei dati sui vari dischi visti dal sistema operativo come un unica unità. Solitamente questo lo si raggiunge attraverso dei controllers hardware.
Mentre in un disco singolo ogni blocco, per esempio di 256kb, deve essere scritto interamente da un solo drive, il sistema Raid 0 può scrivere blocchi di 128kb o di 64kb ciascuno su due o quattro dischi, offrendo performance I/O migliori. Performance che possono essere migliorate utilizzando più controllers dischi.
In ogni “stripe” RAID-0 disks must be of the same size as the I / O call to read and write are alternated on the various discs parallelo.L 'reliability of a Raid-0 is equal to the reliability of the drive, divided by the average number of disks used. So the reliability of this system is very bassa.Il failure of a single unit makes the RAID-0 does not work and the data inaccessible. The most reliable
data recovery companies are able to solve 80% of cases of lost data from RAID-0.
If one of the units of a RAID-0 irriparabilmente becomes corrupted, the data recovery by This type of system is unfortunately impossible.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

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RAID 0 RAID Data Recovery Systems

I Raid ( Redundant Array of Independent Disks ) first patented by IBM in 1978, a computer system that uses a set of hard drives for share or replicate data.
The goal of these systems and to improve performance in terms of speed, integrity and security of data over a single hard drive.
In its simplest configuration, a RAID system allows you to configure a set of drives so that they are seen as a single logical unit by the operating system also
RAID, however, are subject to logical errors and physical damage they are also composed of hard disk drives.

There are different types of RAID:

  • Raid 0 Raid 1 Raid 2
  • Raid 3 Raid 4 Raid 5
  • Raid Raid 6 7
  • Raid 10 (1 +0)
  • Raid 15 (1 +5)

The process of data recovery raid on systems is extremely complicated nature .... a little more information below ....

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Data Recovery Raid

A Redundant Array of Independent Disks ("redundant array of independent disks, RAID) is a computerized system that uses a set of hard drives to share or replicate the information.

The benefits of RAID are to enhance data integrity, fault tolerance and / or performance, than using a single disk.
In its simplest level, RAID allows you to combine a set of disks in one logical unit.

In this way the operating system, instead of seeing different disks, it sees only one. The
RAID is typically used in servers, and is usually implemented with the same capacity disks.
With the decline in the cost of hard drives and RAID technology, with the spread in motherboard chipsets, RAID is often offered as an option on both the high-end computers and on those used by home users, especially if spent on tasks that require a large data storage, such as audio / video editing.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

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Small Computer System Interface

The SCSI (acronym for Small Computer System Interface) is an interface standard designed to achieve the transfer of data between various devices inside a computer (called devices) interconnected by a bus. SCSI should be delivered using the Anglo-Saxon spelling (eg the example is similar to the pronunciation of the name of the show CSI), but a widespread practice as wrong, as is often Italianate SCASI .

To connect a computer to a host bus connection requires a SCSI host adapter that handles the data transfer on the bus. The device must have a SCSI controller, which is usually embedded in all devices, except those of older design. The SCSI interface is mostly used for communication with units hard disk and tape drives, mass storage, but also for connecting a wide range of devices, such as image scanners, readers and writers of CD (CD- R and CD-RW), DVD players. In fact, the SCSI standard was designed to encourage intercambiabiltà and compatibility of the devices (all, at least in theory). There are also SCSI printers.

In the past, the SCSI interface was very common in all types of computers, while currently only is widely used in workstations, servers and peripherals range high (ie high performance). Desktop computers and poratili are usually equipped with ATA / IDE (Advanced Technology Attachment respectively and Integrated Drive Electronics) for the gl hard disk and the USB interface ( Universal Serial Bus) to other commonly used peripherals. These interfaces are slower than SCSI, but also cheaper. Note that the USB uses the same SCSI command set to implement some of its features.

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Physical principles of magnetic recording

The recording of 'information on the surface of the support ferromagnetic basically consists in the transfer of a particular towards the magnetization of a number of Weiss domains.
The number of Weiss domains that constitute a single bit multiplied by the extension mean surface area compared to the available storage, provide the density d 'information (bits per square inch). So
cram a larger amount of data on the same disc requires a reduction in the number of domains that define a single bit and / or reduction of the 'area of \u200b\u200ba single magnetic domain.
's continuing development of hard drive technology has brought us close to the lower limit now tolerable: when in fact the number of domains that define a single bit has been approached to 'unity and their area of' order of a few square nanometers, the 'thermal energy system has become comparable to the' magnetic energy and just a short time have to reverse the direction of magnetization of the domain (this is a fluctuation) and losing in this way the 'information contained.

Reading of 'information in the past was carried out by magnetic inductive heads, miniature copper coils that can detect the change in the flow of the static magnetic field to pass the head between a bit and the next secondo il principio di induzione magnetica.
L’ evoluzione che la spintronica ha portato nelle case di tutti sono state le testine magnetoresistive, basate su un dispositivo, la spin-valve, in grado di variare resistenza al mutare dell’ intensità del campo magnetico.
Il vantaggio dato da queste testine risiede nella loro sensibilità, migliore rispetto alle vecchie testine induttive, e nella loro dimensione ridottissima, cosa che consente di seguire il passo delle evoluzioni verso il nanometro per quanto riguarda l’ area di un singolo bit. Infine, il prossimo futuro vedrà protagoniste della scena le testine di lettura basate sulle magnetic tunneling junction, MTJ.