I Raid 1 mirroring technology exploiting to save the data without interruption. "Mirror" simply means that the hard disk 1 2 replica, or that 3:04 discs replicated discs 1 and 2.
Whatever the configuration of the drive, what matters is that the data on a disk or a partition, are fully replicated. The Raid 1 system has a maximum capacity equal to that of the smallest drive in the system. Ideally consists of two discs and its reliability increases by two times compared to a single disk. Since each drive can be managed individually if one fails the other, the reliability increases with the number of drives used.
The system also increases Raid 1 read performance, since many configurations allow you to read from a drive while the other è occupata.
La perdita dei dati nei sistemi Raid-1 avviene solo in caso tutte le unità presenti nel sistema si danneggino, caso comune in caso di urto, caduta o shock elettronico.
In questi casi il recupero dati è possibile all’80%.
Whatever the configuration of the drive, what matters is that the data on a disk or a partition, are fully replicated. The Raid 1 system has a maximum capacity equal to that of the smallest drive in the system. Ideally consists of two discs and its reliability increases by two times compared to a single disk. Since each drive can be managed individually if one fails the other, the reliability increases with the number of drives used.
The system also increases Raid 1 read performance, since many configurations allow you to read from a drive while the other è occupata.
La perdita dei dati nei sistemi Raid-1 avviene solo in caso tutte le unità presenti nel sistema si danneggino, caso comune in caso di urto, caduta o shock elettronico.
In questi casi il recupero dati è possibile all’80%.
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