Monday, February 28, 2011
How To Turn Yourself Into A Werewolf In Real Life
It 's a period of time that our beloved social network continues to do its updates are not always appreciated by users.
This time the change goes to touch our loved button "Share" .. Do not worry you will not be eliminated, however, will be integrated into key "Good" .
This change will be visible in the next few days and when we want to publish a link on our bulletin board we just click on the "Good" and the game will be done.
you like this modifica? La trovate utile? Lasciate un commento qui in basso ;)
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Oggi voglio dedicare un post ad uno dei dibattiti più accesi di sempre in campo informatico, ossia il confronto tra Mac e Pc Windows .
Spesso trovandomi all'università ho avuto modo di ascoltare lunghe ed animate discussioni tra persone che sostenevano che qualsiasi Mac è di livello nettamente superiore rispetto ad un classico pc ed altre che sostenevano l'esatto contrario. Ma chi ha davvero ragione?
1) Quale computer costa di piu?These are just 5 points but you could go on forever. After reading and re-read information about these two giants have reached a personal conclusion which is that there is no "best". Judging is subjective and always will be, in fact according to our needs we will find a computer suitable for us.
on the market today all Macs cost much more than any other normal PC but it must be said that the materials used to build a Mac are considerably higher.
2) Reliability and safety
difficult Macs are infected with viruses whereas normal PCs are much more victims "easy" but with any antivirus software you can eliminate this problem. As for reliability, the Mac can take up to 10 years (the typical response of Apple fan) but it must be said that no one can buy a computer with the idea to keep him for 10 years. The Mac is more reliable due to the fact that all the pieces vengono prodotti dalla stessa casa produttrice mentre invece i normali pc montano tanti pezzi prodotti da tante case produttrici diverse.
3) Facilità di utilizzo
Le Applicazioni Apple sono molto più belle da vedere e sono anche molto semplici da utilizzare ma per quanto riguarda l'utilizzo del sistema operativo i Mac sono molto bloccati mentre invece i sistemi Windows sono più personalizzabili.
4) Programmi Windows e software Mac
Come già detto in precedenza, i software Apple sono molto più belli graficamente e sono davvero molto semplici da utilizzare. Sui programmi d'ufficio oppure sui videogiochi Windows stravince nettamente su qualsiasi computer Mac.
5) Ease in repairs
A Mac is more expensive to repair than a normal PC. In case of failure of a Mac the only way to fix it is to entrust it to some specialized center whereas repair a Windows PC is something I can do almost anything.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
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was a long time that ran this item today and finally got the confirmation. The popular search engine Google said you change the search algorithm in order to increase views of high-quality sites , thus improving the search results for their users.
do not know yet what will be the sites that of "high quality" but it seems that we will not have to wait long to find out.
The same Matt Cuts , Google software engineer, has released this statement: "This update is designed to penalize low-quality sites, sites that offer little valore aggiunto per l'utente, che copiano contenuti da altri siti o che semplicemente non sono molto utili. Allo stesso tempo, migliorerà il posizionamento dei siti di buona qualità, i siti con contenuti originali, articoli di approfondimento o analisi pertinenti , etc etc"
E continua ancora: "Non possiamo operare un cambiamento importante senza influire sul posizionamento di numerosi siti. Alcuni portali dunque cadranno ed altri saliranno nella pagina dei risultati"
Voi che ne pensate? Siete contenti di questa modifica oppure gestite un sito e avete paura di non ricevere più le stesse visite da Google?
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Oggi voglio segnararvi un servizio web davvero molto interesting that allows you to watch streaming movies, cartoons, TV series and more.
Besides the view, you can also download everything on your PC. I'm talking about, a site that has quickly become one of the most visited in Italy. In addition to movies you can download many other files such as games, software, images, and much more.
Have you tried? Write your opinion about this service by leaving a little comment below;)
Friday, February 25, 2011
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Browsing the internet on our computer saves all web activity data, such as history, temporary files, etc. ..
The amount of data on our computer tends to grow more and more to occupy too much valuable space in the memory of your computer.
Considering what we just said, it is very important to remove such data.
This is, precisely, a valid and efficient utility Windows OS specific making the secure erase all traces on its activities carried out online , removing all those who are different and any files now no longer useful.
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E 'finally came out in Italian cinemas one of the most anticipated film from the audience. I'm talking of course of "Manual of Love 3".
PLOT: The Italians, as well as "good people" are a nation of amateurs, as is evident in opinion polls over the world. And who could produce a manual of love movie if not us? Above all, what kind of best Italian comedies me back at work? Potentially film Veronesi, thanks to a cast of well-known names, it might be a sentimental divertissement doc, if he had some shortcomings in the script, perhaps induced by a cast too pompous. Manual of Love is a portmanteau film, connected the various characters interacting, that is, entertainment, the path of tens, hundreds, thousands of couples ...
The film is being rolled out in theaters but you can already found on YouTube at this link LINK TO TEMPORARILY NOT AVAILABLE
remember as long as the link I take them around the web and just do a simple copy and paste .
If the link does not work write it in!
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Thursday, February 24, 2011
Satin Ribbon By The Yard
A few minutes are available the new MacBook Pro Apple has released the first update to Mac hardware in 2011 on the new MacBook Pro have faster processors, a new graphics card AMD Light Peak and the door (called by Apple "Thunderbolt"). We're going to know all the details to follow.
The new MacBook Pro 13 " mount an Intel Core i5 to 2.3 GHz dual-core or the most powerful is: the chip to 2.7 GHz Intel Core i7 . With Turbo Boost speeds up to 3.4 GHz, these processors deliver performance up to twice as snappy as the previous generation.
The new 15-inch models and 17 " mount a more powerful processor quad-core. Thanks to Intel Core i7 processor optional quad-core 2.3 GHz (with Turbo Boost speed up to 3.4 GHz and up to 8MB of shared L3 cache), the MacBook Pro running all applications fino a due volte più velocemente rispetto ai precedenti modelli di punta.
Il processore grafico Intel HD Graphics 3000, ora di serie su tutti i MacBook Pro, gestisce le operazioni di tutti i giorni. È veloce nel codificare video, il che ti permette di videochiamare in HD
con FaceTime. E la sua efficienza nella decodifica ti dà più autonomia quando guardi DVD e film di iTunes.
Per le applicazioni grafiche più impegnative, i MacBook Pro da 15″ e 17″ passano automaticamente ai nuovi processori AMD Radeon ad alte prestazioni offrendoti fino al triplo della velocità rispetto ai modelli precedenti:3 così puoi vedere più fotogrammi al secondo nei giochi 3D, o lavorare con video HD in modo più rapido e reattivo che mai.
Presente anche la tanta chiaccherata connessione Thunderbolt che è oltre 12 volte più veloce della FireWire 800 e fino a 20 volte più rapida dell’USB 2.0.
La porta Thunderbolt offrirà presto connettività plug-and-play su un mondo di periferiche compatibili, in più permette di collegare un Apple LED Cinema Display e altri dispositivi con Mini DisplayPort.
I modelli da 15 e 17 pollici diminuiscono però la durata della batteria che sarà di 7 ore.
Ecco i prezzi dei nuovi Macbook Pro:
- 1149 € per il MacBook Pro da 13 pollici
- 1749 € per il MacBook Pro da 15 inches
- € 2449 for 17-inch MacBook Pro
currently in the Apple Store is not yet possible to buy the new MacBook Pro
From: apple.hdblog.itCan You Use Different Lighter Fluid In Zippos
And here I am, after a long period of pause due to the many exams I went back to writing on my beloved blog.
Surfing the internet I learned a very interesting news.
Recently Youtube sent streaming live music concerts, often attracting thousands of users.
It seems that in a while will also broadcast sporting events like matches football or basketball! A move that will surely grow even further the value of one of the most visited websites in the world.
We can only see how they react to this news the pay TV , in fact the best thing is that the transmission of images will be totally legal!
And you like this idea? Leave a comment with your personal opinion!
Friday, February 18, 2011
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By now we all watch streaming movies. Unfortunately, you often come across that terrible written "This Video Has Been removed" , a small phrase that can ruin a whole evening planned with friends.
Questo caso si verifica perchè Megavideo cancella determinati fi le dai suoi server per motivi di copyright e diritti d’autore anche perchè stiamo parlando sempre di contenuti non legali da visualizzare. Comunque il problema può essere risolto facilmente tramite Megavideo Links Regenerator.
Megavideo Links Regenerator è un servizio online in grado di rigenerare i link di Megavideo non più funzionanti.
Ecco come fare per rigenerare un link:
1. Copiare il link Megavideo from the address bar of your browser;
2. go to Megavideo Links Regenerator ;
3. paste the address, press the button regenerate.
Enjoy your movies;)
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
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E 'beginning of the fifties that fans of all teams have begun to organize themselves in clubs, more and more to follow in their business, to promote all sorts of initiatives, from the celebratory to those choreography, though still rudimentary, and pioneering.
Even at the Olympics in ancient Greece there was the practice even in the absence of typhoid and written testimony with the passage of time has changed the way we support the "colors" of the beloved team, leaving unchanged the concept of "animation" with the voice, flags, banners.
With the explosion of football in Italy in the period after World War, organized fan clubs spread and multiply quickly.
In the 60s it formed the first true associative structures of fans, known as "centers of coordination." Also born of the most vocal supporters coagulate club and organized activities, such as "loyalists", borrowed words from many fans. He was the magician
Helenio Herrera, coach of the great team neroazzurra, to give impetus to the creation of a coordination that could serve as reference for the numerous fans of Inter. The history of organized supporters in Italy begins this way: "President Moratti, I do not understand why we do not have fans when we play away," said Argentine coach. From this
idea to form the first group of supporters, "Musketeers neroazzurri" willing to follow most of the expenses, paying the price of costly sacrifices. Thirty years have passed since then and typhoid has become one of the most organized of social phenomena.
In the late sixties and early seventies were born in Italy the first groups of ultras groups of supporters between the ages of 15 and 20 years that stand out clearly from "classical" model, adult football spectator. Collected in the popular sectors of the stadiums, where companies stimulate the influx of youth through special campaigns subscriptions at reduced prices, the ultras immediately show a number of features that makes it a peculiar phenomenon in Italian football: the sense of identification with one's "territory", ie that sector of the curve bounded by one or more banners with the name and symbol group, a paramilitary look taken from that in vogue in extremist political organizations: parkas, boots, camouflage military jackets and covered with "patches" of their team, with the addition of the scarf with the colors of the team.
But the ultras are distinguished primarily by the adoption of all elements of the innovative way of supporting the team and, more generally, to attend the game. From "torcidas" Brazil is again the use of trumpets and drums, from the English supporters' scarf (scarves, and expanses are raised by the fans, giving the visual effect of waves) and the accompanying chorus of game action. until it assumed an obsession of encouraging their favorite players and confused and intimidated opponents.
Typhus is therefore considered part of the strategy and tactics adopted to win a match: it becomes the "twelfth player".
also spreads the use of pyrotechnics (fireworks by hand signals for marine, smoke canisters, rockets and flares to light color), intended to give an extra touch of liveliness to the terraces.
Subentra cosi per la prima volta il concetto di "coreografia della curva", una pratica del tutto originale che si evolverà di pari passo con il grado di organizzazione dei gruppi ultrà.
La coreografia diviene il marchio dello stile italiano. Spettacoli e scenografie su vasta scala, di grande impatto, fantasmagoriche, enormi, multicromatiche. E' la fantasia, tutta italiana, al potere.
Dal sipario della Gradinata Nord di Genova che ha scomodato persino il quotidiano francese "Le Monde" alla curva Fiesole di Firenze che disegna i contorni dei monumenti fiorentini rifacendosi alla pianta topografica originaria.
Il gruppo ultrà più antico è la Fossa dei Leoni del Milan, fondato nel 1968, che adotta il name of the old training ground for the Rossoneri and fits in the field of popular Ramp 17 (straight center).
Even back in 1951 in Turin was built the club of "loyalists wheat" which is still present in the formation of groups of the curve Marathon.
born in 1969 also Cucchiaroni Ultras Tito Sampdoria (first to use the name "Ultras") and immediately after, the Boys Inter. By the seventies witnessed a process of aggregation of the many youth that live in now microgroups curves of the big clubs: born of Verona and Gialloblu Brigades, named after the place where they gather, the Purple Club
Vieusseux Fiorentina (1971 ), the Ultra del Napoli (1972); le Brigate Rossonere del Milan, la Fossa dei Grifoni del Genoa e gli Ultrà Granata del Torino (1973); i Forever Ultrà del Bologna (1974); i Fighters della Juventus (1975); le Brigate Neroazzurre dell'Atalanta (1976); gli Eagles' Supporters della Lazio e il Commando Ultrà Curva Sud della Roma (1977).
Thursday, February 3, 2011
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LONDRA (Inghilterra), 1 febbraio 2011 - Il giorno in cui il calcio è impazzito. “Save the date”, verrebbe da dire, perché Oltremanica il 31 gennaio 2011 passerà davvero alla storia come la data della vergogna, quella in cui due club – Chelsea e Liverpool - Have spent nearly 140 million pounds (the figures reported in the papers differ by a few million) for four players, two each. A lot of great money, if you think the economic crisis that the country is struggling. Of course, headlines are the 50 million paid by the Blues in Liverpool to Fernando Torres (the most expensive player in English football history), as well as 25 other data to the Benfica defender David Luiz Brazil: A total of 75 million cash pulled out by Roman Abramovich, the face of those who said he wanted to call out of the club to pursue other things.
UEFA OF STUCCO - But according to the Guardian last spending spree of the Russian tycoon was stunned Uefa bosses, who would have called "an alarming signal" on the eve of the infamous "financial fair play" and in light of Blues losses, estimated at 70.9 million pounds in the 2009-2010 season. Hence the comparison made by the Daily Mail, transfer decidedly "low profile" of the other European leagues, with Italy in the lead with Inter and the purchase of Giampaolo Pazzini, followed by Germany (12 million pounds for Luiz Gustavo dall'Hoffenheim Bayern Monaco) and Spain (6 million for Elias from Corinthians Atletico Madrid).
FANS VS TORRES - And if the accounts of Chelsea mourn, those Liverpool certainly do not laugh, but ultimately the millions unstitched for dual operation Andy Carroll-Luis Suarez were less than 10, given the 50 earned by the sale of Torres (Newcastle striker has cost 35 million, the player Ajax 22:8). All happy, then? No way. Most angry are the Reds fans who have become so bad the "betrayal" of the attacker English to burn his jersey while he was in the public square, just to make them more sympathetic to his former supporters, has seen fit to issue a ' Chelsea TV interview where he said "you have always wanted to play for a top club in Europe and now we are." As if Liverpool were a horn of a few claims (true, is not going very well lately, but the blazon and history are still there). Ironically, the first time in Torres Blues will be their next Sunday at Stamford Bridge against Liverpool.
THE RELEASE OF CARROLL - But Carroll does not seem to really have the face of a really happy about what happened in the hectic day yesterday. Read and believe his outburst in the press where, in practice, he explained that he was sent away from the leaders of Newcastle because the club could not resist the offer of the mega Liverpool. And in confirmation of his words, Daily Express and Daily Star have also reported the text messages that the attacker sent to his closest friends and who said he reiterated to managers Toon its desire to remain ("I signed a five-year contract for this reason), but these are the people who answered" that he had to go because we want the money. " To be fair, Carroll also has gained from all this, because we have seen four times the employment, which rose from 20 thousand to 80 thousand pounds a week. But his confession has already triggered the first, furious reactions of the fans of Newcastle, who already do not particularly like the boss Mike Ashley and then remember this incredible piece for a January 31, 2011.
Simona Marchetti