Friday, December 31, 2010

Japanese Tea Houses Plans

The new strategy of the ultras to cancel the card of the fan

"Tessera infamous said." "Subscriber servant of the state". With this slogan claims - a kind of mantra penned a spray on the walls of the stadiums, on banners displayed in the corners, and spread through word of mouth on blogs incessant fans - the Italian ultras have declared war on the state.
Theirs is a silent war. Fought, until now, in the twilight. The time of challenge, however, seems expired. In the curves has been discussed for weeks in a phase two, and violent demonstrations. It should be read in this sense the decision of the prefecture of Lecce to play the derby di Puglia, Lecce-Bari behind closed doors, the fear was fighting between two groups of supporters. As There is great tension in Milan for the game Wednesday, Jan. 6 (20.30) with Napoli, with an organized group of Mastiffs ready to invade San Siro with and without cards. The objective of this war is the abolition of the card ultras fans, "loyalty" of the people of the stages introduced by Interior Minister Roberto Maroni to have a precise cataloging of those attending football matches: This is a passpartout - biographical data - required for those wishing to watch the game away and for those who have subscribed to the home games. There are about 600 thousand ones signed. "A success" at the Interior Ministry said, "bringing more security and more people stage. "But that's not entirely true. The attendance this year fell by an average of 1,500 units, about 6 per cent. And most of all for tens of thousands of rebel supporters as if the card is not there: there 's have, but they are still at the stage. At home and away.

So what's going on in the stadiums after the launch of the card's fan? How is it that the most extremist supporters are able to dribble the prohibitions imposed by the filing and also access to facilities? Questions that evoke a fundamental question: given that the prefects are forced to play matches behind closed doors, the card's fan has failed?

As promised by the end of the season last year, as announced this summer in grenades paper by ultras atalantini nell'agguato Maroni of the Northern League Berghem Fest Alzano Lombardo, most of the Italian ultras are boycotting the card. With a unique "sign" - unable even to bury the chance for historic rivalries even as those between Lazio and Roma, Palermo and Catania, Bari and Naples, Brescia and Atalanta - are putting into practice every Sunday, their form of "resistance "spontaneous but nearly always organized.

The Ultra card will not make it. But despite this they try - and fail - to get to the stadium every Sunday: buy tickets not to turn and mix the fans avversarie. Roma-Milan, partita ad altissimo rischio prima delle feste natalizie, è stata aperta anche a chi non aveva la tessera proprio perché la polizia temeva azioni di violenza da parte degli ultrà giallorossi, se non fossero entrati a San Siro. D'accordo con le altre tifoserie, inoltre, i gruppi organizzati hanno cominciato un'attività "deterrente". Nel lessico curvaiolo deterrenza sta per botte. Anche chi ha la tessera, non deve andare nel settore ospiti. Deve andare in altri settori e mischiarsi con i tifosi di casa. "Devono avere paura" dicono. Ecco alcuni esempi di trasferte "in contromano". Ottocento genoani a Udine; 200 bresciani a Lecce; 500 doriani a Torino; 100 fiorentini a Genova; 500 juventini a Milano; 700 novaresi Turin, Padua 100 to Siena to Poggibonsi Carrarini 300, 400 Cesena to Rome, Bologna and Parma Cibali outside the stadium in Catania, Udinese 50 Milan 50 Lecce.

Up to now, the ultras have chosen what they call the chief supporters line "soft." But now - admits one of the recognized leaders of the more hard fans of Napoli - not "promise more than the stadium does not happen anything." This is not a generic political manifesto. It is a well-organized plan to the table, between July and September, when more than 60 supporters gathered in Catania and then in the province of Rome. Only goal of the two meetings: the derailing of a fan card. To work around the stakes imposed by the prefectures and National Observatory on sports events, the ultra buy, even in advance, tickets to other sectors. "Everyone wants to be organized as a - says Claudio Galimberti said" Bocia ", leader of the ultras of the curve under Daspi atalantina North - starting away from its own resources and buy tickets on other sectors. So often you are in the midst of opposition fans. It is a very delicate situation. "

also a situation that worries analysts. "The problems there are," admits Maurizio Marinelli, director of the Center for Studies on Public Safety State Police, one of the foremost experts in Italy's ultras and public order in stadia. "The warning comes from the fact that increasingly we are facing a fans without that card, business, buy tickets and line up in the middle of the home fans, with other risk confrontations. For the moment everything went pretty smoothly, but something we must do. "What?" First, to date, and in some cases still see the Serbs in Genoa, the ultras were concentrated in one area. This made them stronger as compact. However, if this force the mass of the fragments, the collapses and fragments, becomes weaker and more easily controlled by stewards and police. Second, the curves are changed. Among Daspi arrests and there was a change of clothes. The reference figures that were there before today there are more. Everything is more fluid, more confused. Third, if not upgraded stadiums, unless we make them smaller, safer and ownership of the club, we did not do anything. "

How is changing the world ultras? And with what consequences? The evidence that the strategy is turning (dangerously) the habits, updating the geography of typhoid, travel, travel, timetables, the composition of the sectors, are multiplying Sunday after Sunday. To understand the magnitude of the phenomenon just look Guests areas, the preserve of those who have the card in any game of series A. The Football Association says it is not in possession of data officers on the presence of supporters who follow their team away. But there are eloquent examples. During the clove-Cagliari Bari San Nicola stadium reserved for fans Sardinian there was only one spectator. And about a dozen stewards to control it. On the other hand, a large group of ultras Cagliari peeked in tiers among the Bari. Raising the voltage level of a game considered "quiet".

When Bari went to Napoli in the wake of Bari - hot derby in the South (September 12), usually at high risk incidents - outside the gates of industry guests were found, allies, the Mafia bosses of the two fans. They received an abrupt stop to the cry of "who enters gets a lot of botte". Risultato: settore ospiti deserto. "I ragazzi hanno capito i motivi della nostra protesta e si comportano di conseguenza, non c'è stato bisogno di esagerare - racconta Alberto Savarese, "Il Parigino", uno dei responsabili della Nord barese insieme con Roberto Sblendorio, "Robertino" - In ogni caso noi non abbiamo obbligato nessuno a non sottoscrivere la tessera: capiamo che molti hanno fatto l'abbonamento, e quindi la card, per una ragione economica. Ma ci fa piacere che in trasferta, anche chi potrebbe andare nel settore ospiti, preferisce venire con noi". L'A. S. Bari ha richiesto alla Lega 16.700 tessere, ottenendone duemila circa nelle ultime settimane, proprio in vista del derby con il Lecce. A Milano, però, nella gara contro l'Inter (22 settembre), gli ultrà pugliesi non hanno comprato di proposito i biglietti "ospiti" ma quelli del terzo anello rosso. Sono saliti in gradinata, hanno cacciato gli abbonati dai loro posti e si sono seduti a fianco ai tifosi dell'Inter. Non è stata l'unica partita nella quale due tifoserie avversarie sono entrate in contatto. A Genova per Sampdoria-Napoli (19 settembre) c'erano solo una ventina di supporter napoletani nella "gabbia nord", il settore ospiti, mentre il gruppo più numeroso ha preso posto nei distinti, diviso dai sampdoriani da qualche stewart. Al gol vittoria del Napoli, gli ultrà hanno acceso un fumogeno e si è sfiorata la rissa. Raggruppamenti estemporanei, e ad alto rischio, anche in occasione di Milan-Genoa (25 settembre) allo stadio di San Siro. Partita tradizionalmente blindata. Un manipolo di ultrà genoani si è piazzato in mezzo ai tifosi del Milan al terzo anello rosso. All'inizio del secondo tempo i tifosi ospiti hanno tirato un petardo nelle file sotto: fuggi fuggi dei milanisti e forze dell'ordine in allarme. A Lecce, il 24 ottobre, sono volati pugni tra i bresciani e i salentini. A Bergamo, invece, l'Atalanta ha fatto il record di abbonamenti per la serie B (oltre 17mila) nonostante la retrocessione dell'anno scorso. Ma gli ultrà sono stati di parola: niente tessera e niente abbonamento. Ad Atalanta-Torino (10 ottobre) sono arrivati 70 ultrà torinesi che avevano acquistato - volutamente - biglietti di tribuna (la trasferta was prohibited, tickets are sold only to residents in Florida) but to avoid foreseeable disorders were placed in guests: the practical failure of the card. Not only that the police have been involved in planning guerrilla until half past midnight to escort a convoy of fifteen cars. INTIMIDATION IN THE CITY

What are the "laboratories" of the protest? Those who study the plans to sink the card's fan? Until now, supporters of Naples were among the most intransigent. Campaigns capillaries in all parts of the city with "non-subscribers, non-members. The hard-core fan base has not signed the card because many could not because the famous Article 9 of the Regulation that prohibits those who have a Daspi car - the expulsion from the stadiums for unrest - in the last five years. "It's unconstitutional," say the ultras to support their cause.

But anyhow. In Naples, has anyone tried to bluff. The prosecutor (who has created a pool of judges on criminal offenses from the stadium) is launching a consultation from the site of organized cheering biancoazzurro where all procedures were published for the fake card. Subject to the Tarot, then, the cards are signed very few: less than 15 thousand, on an average this season about 39mila spectators per game. "We work to convince our kids" says one of the leaders of the groups that dominate in the curve A. Those who attended the St. Paul, and detective dealing with thugs, they still have in mind the beatings at the end of last season, just during a protest in that case against the company: the cameras of Digos regained some of the characters intent on convincing other fans, with fists and kicks, to leave blank the curve as provided in the protest.

A world unto itself, one of the domes of typhus. Four hundred ultras groups of which 234 are politicized: 61 (in 2008 there were 58) with strong links to extreme-right movements and 28 are close to the radical left formations. The most dangerous are the Bisl Romans, the Mastiff of Naples, the Gang of Noantri Lazio, Autonomous Brigades of Livorno, the Korps of Fiorentina, Inter's Unbreakable, the Drunks of Catania. The latest warnings from the Interior Ministry regarding the proximity of the fans of Lazio and Rome with the far-right groups, the proximity of some groups of Naples and Catania with organized crime, extremism of various racist supporters in the north, Inter Milan and Verona on all. But now there's a new alarm.

The complicated evolution of the age-card fan is followed closely by the Centre of the Ministry of the Interior, from police stations across Italy (many have established a special team - stage) and also by intelligence agencies. In the last report submitted to Parliament, our Intelligence has reaffirmed the "contiguity between fringes of organized supporters and political extremism." A welding characterized by a "strong aversion to the police" that "in some cases without even suggest designs preordained." How to declare war to the state.
( - \u200b\u200bPAUL BERIZZI and Giuliano Foschini)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Pain In Lower Abdomen Peeing Alot Tired

Come evitare i colloqui fuffa, Parte 3: scrivere gratuitamente e al tempo stesso prendere il tesserino da pubblicista? Non facciamoci prendere in giro!

Torno dopo un bel po’ di tempo per parlare di un discorso che mi sta particolarmente a cuore.
Gli annunci di “lavoro” per giornalisti/redattori.
E badate bene che ho usato le virgolette.
Prima enorme motivo di odio, rancore, biasimo, riprovazione, astio, risentimento eccetera:


As if we were to be the ones to pay for them.

This speech may also be valid for major newspapers or magazines. For those ok, may be worth also worth sacrificing for "doing curriculum, as is commonly said, learn about working with real professionals, post your signature on a popular national magazine ... we can be. Hardly, in my experience and those around me, are the mainstream media to get by on the shoulders of editors and interns at no cost.
No, fleas are to take advantage of it, ironically.
This reasoning may also be plausible if we want to write for free for friends or even newspapers that deal with particular issues artistic / ideological / games etc.. so our need to communicate is stronger than the more urgent is the gain ... BUT OUR CHOICE. A hobby, a passion.

WHAT MAKES YOU THINK, THAT YOU HAVE AN OPEN HEAD UNKNOWN, insipid, which prints 10 copies around Rome, I want to write
FREE FOR YOU ?!?!?!?!? FOR YOUR HOPE uplift us some money ?!?!?! FIRST FIND FUNDS TO INVEST AND THEN WE THINK, if anything! (Always the same story ....)

some, then, promises to help you get the card to be published.

E 'SHAMEFUL AND ONLY HUGE joke, I say this especially for those who are beginners.

There will not be allowed to take the exam for the order of the journalists running if you can not prove that been paid (a minimum of 3000 € in 48 months, get your accounts).
too, during the first months when I tried to make me a bit 'of experience in the field, I wrote "free" for an online newspaper that promised to help me get the infamous "card". When I realized that I was kidding I swore revenge. Now, I wash the tires of their cars or put a dead rabbit in their bath (would be nice, no?) But I promised to spread a little good news:

NOT CASCATECI NOT helps you get nothing.
IT IS MERELY VOLUNTARY. That said, to decide how they wish.

To learn more about the procedures for registration with the roll of journalists clicked here.

An example? The last one I found randomly on the internet is this:, a new portal for travel, research for his writing on-line Science students Communications / Humanities, with a passion for travel and good writing skills, for collaboration, momentarily free of charge. It offers the opportunity to take the card from a journalist. Refrain wasters and no requirements. Seriously.

Who would be the time wasters?