Monday, April 10, 2006
Mount And Blade Play On Lan
A careful reading of DGRV 2883 3.10.2003 (that is linked to a recent note from the AO of Padua) allows you to single out the requirements that should have the cd "PERFORMANCE OF NICHE" to actually be performed, invoiced and paid :
A - performed by AO or AO Padova Verona
B - on request only cookbook Regional
C - contains criteria effectiveness and appropriateness
D - explicit indication indispensability
And - do not fall explicitly stated other benefits of tariff nomenclature
F - authorization ULSS opinion with reference to their doctors
G - direct billing between ASL, flow out of the compensation
1 - not allowed out-tariff structures other than PD and AO AO VR (eg, tacrolimus)
2 - should be defined in each ULSS a path to collect the characteristics of effectiveness, appropriateness, and do not fall indispensability (criteria C, D, E)
click to resolution 2883
Monday, April 3, 2006
How Long To Charge 12v Moped Battery
Original Document Nomenclatore_indicazioni_di_applicazione.doc
Dimensions: 186862 bytes
Protocollo N °. ASS/DIR/03 / 23669
Date 06/17/2003
Oggetto: Risposta ai quesiti ed indicazioni relative allapplicazione del Nomenclatore Tariffario regionale delle prestazioni specialistiche ambulatoriali posti dalle Aziende Sanitarie al Gruppo regionale di lavoro per il controllo della qualità della codifica delle prestazioni.
Con la presente, si inviano le risposte ad alcuni quesiti sollevati dalle Aziende sulla "corretta codifica delle prestazioni specialistiche ambulatoriali". In merito ai suddetti quesiti si ritiene di fornire le seguenti indicazioni:
... omission ...
1. Search anti-worm . anti-alpha fodrina , anti-citrulline , anticorpi anti-neuronali , steroidal anti- , anti-myelin , tests of intestinal permeability , permeability tests gastric , dosing of Helicobacter pylori CagA antigen , fecal elastase assay , dosage and dosing pepsinogeno1 pepsinogeno2 .
is asked to assimilate the services provided to other already existing nomenclature.
Per le prestazioni di cui sopra, si propongono le seguenti assimilazioni:
- " anticorpi anticitrullina " assimilata a " anticorpi anti antigeni nucleari estraibili ( ENA) "cod. 90.47.3 tariffa pari a euro 13,35;
- " anticorpi antineuronali " assimilata a " anticorpi antiorgano " cod. 90.52.5 tariffa pari a euro 14,50;
- " anticorpi anti-steroidali " assimilata a " anticorpi anti organo " cod. 90.52.5 tarifa pari a euro 14,50;
- "anti-myelin" corresponding to "anti MAG" cod. 90.51.3 fee of € 11.40;
- "dosage dosage pepsinogen pepsinogen 1 and 2" treated as "gastric parietal cell antibodies (PCA)" code. 90.48.1 fee of € 8.35;
- "fecal elastase" corresponding to "chymotrypsin (I)" code. 90.13.1 fee of € 5.40;
- "anti - GAD" assimilated to "antibodies antitransglutaminasi" code. 90.49.5 fee of € 11.40.
As for performance, anti-worm, anti-alpha fodrina, Helicobacter pylori CagA antigen assay, tests of intestinal permeability and gastric permeability test, given the low prevalence of the same and therefore the necessary information for a proper evaluation, it is not possible to propose any assimilation.
Franco Rossi